Thursday, 22 November 2018

Episode 1: Work It: Capitalism, Labor, Dance

Work hard/play hard; real subsumption; dance as prefigurative; labor = play; labour sublates play through the song; folk pastoralism; dance and sex work; refusal of work.

Jeremy Gilbert and Ewan Pearson, Discographies: Dance Music Culture and the Politics of Sound, Routledge, 1999.
Marek Korczynski et al, Rhythms of Labor: Music at Work in Britain, 2013.
Iain Chambers, Urban Rhythms: Pop Music and Popular Culture, 1985.
Patrick B. Mullen, The Man Who Adores the Negro: Race and American Folklore, 2008. 
Joshua Clover, 1989: Bob Dylan Didn't Have This To Sing About, UC Press, 2010.
Huw Lemmey, ‘Werqin’ 9 to 5: cursory notes on antiwork politics from Dolly Parton to Shangela Laquifa’, Spitzenprodukte, 2013.
Federico Campagna, Federico, ‘Listen to Britney Spears – Work is the New Religion’, Guardian, 2013.
Voyou Desoeuvre, "You Want Full Communism, You Better Sublate Work Bitch", An Und Fur Sich, 2013.

See Toby Bennett's excellent music and work reference list: